Panama is said to be home to more than 10,000 species of plant!

Browse these accounts to learn more about some of the plant species that can be seen on your trip to Panama with the Canopy Family.


Aechmea setigera

Cabbage Bark

Cannonball Tree


Columnea billbergiana

Crimson Passion Flower

Dendrophthora fortis

Expanded Lobster Claw


Guacimo Colorado

Guayacan Trumpet Tree

Gumbo Limbo Tree

Hot Lips


Lady of the Night Orchid


Mule’s Ear Miconia

Palo Santo

Panama Hat Plant

Panama Tree

Prestonia portobellensis

Prestonia trifida

Rough Ginger

Rush-like Flatsedge

Scaly Tree Ferns

Sensitive Plant

Shingle Plant

Sobralia citrea

Spanish Flag Orchid


Stinking Passion Flower

Tropical Milkweed

Vanilla Orchid

Wallis’ Orchid

White-top Sedge

Wild Cashew

Yellow Dancing Lady Orchid