Jenn was born in Ontario, Canada, and had always had a love of nature, especially birds. She has a Bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology and studied ecotourism management after graduating.

Her fascination for rainforests started at a young age, and this interest led her to explore Latin America. She came to Panama for the first time in 2008, and worked as a field biologist on the Harpy Eagle release and conservation program in Soberania National Park. Jenn has worked on bird-related projects in Ecuador, Belize, Costa Rica, and Peru. Jenn not only manages communications, website updates and customer service at the Canopy Family lodges, but you may also find her guiding at the Canopy Tower, where she incorporates the natural history of the wildlife and local environment into her tours. Along with Tino, Jenn is one of our primary guides for our very popular butterfly tours.

Jenn Sinasac