…at the Canopy Lodge.

In association with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and explore.org, we are proud to present our LIVE webcam of our fruit feeder at the Canopy Lodge.

Feeder visitors

A wide diversity of Panamanian birds and other animals has been recorded on the Cam. See here for the Cam’s official species lists, compiled by the Cornell Lab Bird Cams staff. New visitors are still regularly recorded, so please let us know if you see something that is not on these lists!

Download the Common Panama Fruit Feeder Cam visitors_guide

Cam resources

Visit the Panama Fruit Feeders page on the Cornell Lab website to watch the livestream and to access more Cam resources and news. Visit Who’s That Bird? Resources For Identifying Panama Fruit Feeder Cam Visitors to learn how to identify all the birds that visit the feeder. Also check out the Cornell Lab’s two comprehensive YouTube playlists of highlight clips from the Cam: Panama Fruit Feeder Cam and Panama Fruit Feeder Mammals, Butterflies and Reptiles.

Discussion forum

You can also watch the livestream here, hosted by explore.org, where there are links to further resources and an active discussion forum moderated by the Cornell Lab’s Bird Cams Outreach Assistant. Here you can post clips, GIFs, screenshots, comments, and questions and interact with the community of Panama Fruit Feeder Cam fans! Many new species and interesting sightings were first brought to our attention by viewers on the discussion forum, so thanks to everyone for participating!


To learn more about the Cam project and its history, check out these articles from past Canopy Family newsletters: The Fruit Feeder Cam at the Canopy Lodge (January 2020) and Fruit Feeder Cam: New Developments (March 2020).

Bird Cams Lab investigations

The Panama Fruit Feeder Cam has been the subject of two Cornell Bird Cams Lab citizen science investigations. The Panama Live investigation ran from November 2019 to November 2020, with data on the feeder arrival patterns of six focal species collected by sixty Cam viewers in February 2020. Click here to learn all about the investigation and its findings. The Battling Birds: Panama Edition investigation was launched in December 2020, and will focus on aggression and dominance hierarchies between different species at the feeder. The Canopy Family is proud to contribute to scientific knowledge of tropical bird communities and to citizen science participation!

Bat research

Since November 2020, the Panama Fruit Feeder Cam has also provided the platform for an independent research project focusing on the feeding behaviors of the Orange Nectar Bat, organized by Mark Stanback of Davidson College, NC. Read Dr. Stanback’s article Bats of the Canopy Lodge (February 2021) to learn more!

Social media

Follow the Panama Fruit Feeder Cam on Twitter, and the Cornell Bird Cams Lab on Facebook and Instagram, for regular Cam updates!