One of Central America’s true wild places

The Canopy Camp is truly a place of biodiversity, discovery and adventure. From the deck of your tent to the rugged roads and winding rivers of eastern Panama, a birding experience of a lifetime awaits you in Darién. Here is an overview of what you can do at Canopy Camp Darien.

Canopy Camp Tours

The Birds of Canopy Camp DarienThe Birds of Central Panama & Darién Lowlands, Butterflies of Canopy Camp Darien, and more. Choose from our selection of incredible Canopy Camp tours today!


Other Activities

Canopy Camp Darien is located in the most remote province of Panama, and is a birder’s paradise; however, this doesn’t mean there is nothing to do if you are not too keen on birding. The surrounding forests are teeming with a large diversity of mammals, frogs, insects and plants, and other unique Panama attractions, providing endless opportunities for exploration and enjoyment.

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Canopy Camp Features